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Gippo Salvetti
ISBN: 88-88269-01-0
120 pages, 76 photos,
size 28x24 cm, hardcover
41,32 €
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Alfazioso (IT/GB)

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Bilingual text (Italian / English)
This is a “different” book, discursive and humorous.
It’s the result of a deep passion for those wonderful cars, the Alfa Romeos, that making the author a collector.
A brief look, therefore, at how one can come to love these cars.
The author would like to talk about those cars that never leapt onto the front pages but were to be found modestly amongst the local news on the back pages.
He want to write about those models that have been relegated to a place where the marketing specialists ignored them or they had misfortune to see the light of day at a moment when the price of a barrel of crude oil took everyone's mind off new cars.