Ermanno Alboreto
by Paolo Bellodi
Ermanno Alboreto, with the Fucina editor, published Alboreto to remember the great Michele. One hundred and sixty pages that read really the same speed with which one of the greatest drivers of Italian always knew complete a lap. Enjoying one breath, this book, for the ability to Ermanno capture the reader's attention, dragging it to the emotions that he lived beside Michele. From childhood to the bloody April 25, 2001, Ermanno tells us yes chronologically her Michele, but does so in an original way. That is leaving, except in rare cases, to point the lens on the history of individual races, but giving several interesting anecdotes, mostly unpublished, some entirely unrelated to the size of the rider Michele. Guests can smile, but also with excitement again - or for the first time, unless you have got to live in live the parable of Michele - in the face of events known, others less so and some completely unknown. A book that deserves to be read absolutely.