Claudio Costa
by Elisa Ceschin
It was April 21, 1972 when Dr. Costa started to help the riders on the track and in all these years the events that he and his team have played have been numerous and important. Forty years of Mobile Clinic are also forty years of emotions, strong emotions in such moments of joy and moments of suffering and despair were intertwined. All this is contained in the last book that "the doctor" wrote. Originally the book was titled "Il sogno del dinosauro" and tells of the victory of the technique on humans and hope that the dinosaur to survive. To do Costa share thoughts and memories turned to heroes like Rainey, Tomizawa, Doohan, Capirossi, Pantani, Zanardi and Simoncelli. In the second part of the book also he speaks of meetings he had with people close to Champion disappeared and a touching day spent with the wonderful family Simoncelli. Dozens of photos to tell the "58" by unruly curls, even when he was puppy and there was no sign of curls.