Luca Delli Carri
by Pino Allievi
The bike told through the oral tradition of the interview. Luca Delli Carri succeeded very well, making a series precisely 60 interviews with pilots who have trod the circuit since 1947. Some names? Here they are: Agostini, Biaggi, Bonera, Cadalora, Capirossi, Chili, Nails, Ferrari, Gresini Luchinelli, Masetti, Melandri, Meoni, Orioli, Ostorero, Alberto and Nello Pagani, Peak, Puzar, Auditions, Reggiani, Graziano and Valentino Rossi, Ruffo, Spaggiari, Ubbiali, Hooks, Venturi and Villa. World champions but also actors and some Mr. almost-no. With the addition of technicians, team managers and varied humanity of the box. The underlying theme is the beauty that you see and you hear. But it exists and is highlighted by the words. It ranges from confidences to findings, interpretations of what has already happened, so that it remains forever. There are tales tasty and even banality by pilots who had nothing to say and do not say anything at the time even today. But this too is history