Luca Delli Carri
by Marco Masetti
The importance of proper and not manipulated According to the system of two readings of the same phenomenon, a pilot, after the race, could put it this way: "This bike is really shit, was where she wanted to stay behind and the other was a punishment. In curve risked their life and I went away in peace. You can not go on like this, who did'm canker should be ashamed. " Then, however, we need an official communication, one that involves all the structures involved in a race (team, sponsor, manufacturer, etc.), so there is an attendant who becomes the externalization of the pilot, but sincere not presentable in public, something "politically correct". And here, as if by magic, totally GMO materialize interview that, more or less, it might sound like this: "From mid-race onwards, there has been a small problem setting that prevented me to keep the pace I set for myself . Nothing serious, mind you, but I did not have that feeling that we had found the ideal in the morning warm-up. However, I am very optimistic about the next few races of the championship: we are perfectly up to the job. I thank my team and because XXXX They have provided a motorcycle really fantastic. " Now, the fact is the same (the pilot X ran races certainly not great) but the interpretation is very different. The problem is that the "history books", unless the rider does not grant an interview, we will release the "politically correct"! And in the future posterity will write it that way. That's why it is important that on the competition there is a journalist and not just a press release! But that's not all: there is also the temptation of TV. The middle reaches millions of people and does not need the commitment of the reading by the user. At this point a statement well built and a sly face make everything into the ground. All what? The problems, what is wrong, the truth. Sorry to break with these issues, but the information bombards us day and night, but no one teaches us how to use it (especially school), so I feel to do the talking cricket and tell something useful. I've done it in a school long ago. The kids love, I more of them. Fortunately, someone comes to us. His name is Luca Delli Carri and wrote "Matti dalle gare" a history of motorcycling in sixty interviews. Italian drivers from prehistory to the present, from Serafini Rossi to stay in Pesaro and in the sublime to the handlebar. The Publisher is the Fucina, the book costs 25 euro, well spent. Over 700 pages of interviews real, live, without wanting to build any argument. Read and reasoned, be polite at the table and listen to good music. You'll also have success with women (or vice versa) even if you have a Porsche in the garage and an account in Switzerland. Understanding is the great luxury of this century. Greetings.